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Extensive weight loss or loss of breast volume after pregnancies and breast feeding can make the breasts droop and spoil their shape. The operation of Mastopexy can restore the position and shape of the breasts.


If the volume of the breasts is satisfactory, uplift can be performed on its own. The nipples are repositioned to their original site and the skin envelope is tightened to restore the cone shape. Depending on the extent of drooping, scars may be very limited or a bit more extensive.

If the breasts are heavy and droopy, it is possible to combine uplift with reduction. Likewise, smaller breasts can be augmented with implants at the same time as the uplift operation.

Every surgical operation carries certain risks, but in properly selected cases, the potential benefits far outweigh these risks. Surgeon Dr Shahab Mahdi, who has successfully performed thousands of cosmetic surgery operations in England will discuss all aspects of your operation in a confidential consultation and give you a realistic idea of what to expect.

To arrange your confidential one-to-one consultation call:

Tel: (+9221) 5833808, (+92300) 8262855

Click here : Informed Consent for Cosmetic Surgery