Vibro Liposuction

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Now also at SOUTH CITY HOSPITAL KARACHI South City Hospital  

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Vibro Liposuction.

Liposuction is one of the most commonly requested and performed cosmetic surgery procedures all over the world.

Conventional liposuction is performed by inserting hollow tubes or cannulas through tiny holes in the skin and the fat cells are forcibly sucked out by a strong vacuum pump. This type of liposuction was popularized in early eighties. Though good results are still achievable, the aggressive nature of this technique can result in prolonged recovery time, pain,


Swelling and bruising. All these problems can be avoided by using the latest technique of Vibro-Liposuction.

SSurgeon Dr. Shahab Mahdi, who has extensive experience with all techniques of liposuction, including ultrasonic liposuction, has introduced Vibro-liposuction, the state-of-the-art technique in Karachi, Pakistan. Dr Shahab Mahdi combines Vibroliposuction with Tumescent infiltration and this combination is ideal both for fine sculpting of smaller areas or for mega liposuction, in which as much as 8 to 10 % of total body fat can be removed in one session. Most patients are able to go home the same day though one night stay in hospital may be required after big liposuction. Smaller areas can be treated under pure local anesthesia but larger areas are usually treated under Twilight Anaesthesia or deep iv sedation.

Conventional liposuction is not only traumatic to the tissues, it is also very tiring for the surgeon due to the intensive physical effort required to forcibly suck out fat. Ultrasonic liposuction appeared very promising when it was introduced, but it soon fell into disrepute due to the risks of burns and prolonged induration or hardening of the treated areas. In Vibro-liposuction, the fat cells are first broken down or emulsified by vibratory movements of the cannula and the fat emulsion is then ‘gently aspirated’

The main advantages of Vibro-liposuction are:

  • Less swelling
  • Less bruising
  • Quick recovery
  • Smoother skin

Lipomatic Vibroliposuction patented by Euromi also has an in-built security system that locks the cannula as it comes into contact with underlying muscles or the overlying skin. This is not only a safeguard against penetrating injuries but also allows fine sculpting by reducing skin surface irregularities.

Vibro-liposuction is the most advanced method of fat removal and can rightly be described as the Rolls-Royce of liposuction.

Every surgical operation carries certain risks, but in properly selected cases, the potential benefits far outweigh these risks. Surgeon Dr Shahab Mahdi, who has successfully performed thousands of cosmetic surgery operations in England will discuss all aspects of your operation in a confidential consultation and give you a realistic idea of what to expect.

To arrange your confidential one-to-one consultation call:

Tel:   (+92300) 8262855