

Nose is the most prominent feature of the face and therefore Rhinoplasty or Nose reshaping is a very popular operation in both men and women. The problem may be either with the tip or the bridge of the nose or with both and these are all usually corrected in one operation.


The patients usually ask for a reduction or augmentation Rhinoplasty, depending on the nature of their problem. As changes in the shape of the nose are usually permanent,

it is important that you are very specific about the changes you desire. It is also important to understand that the nose can only be altered to correct the obvious problems but it will not be possible for you to have a nose of your favourite model.

Every surgical operation carries certain risks, but in properly selected cases, the potential benefits far outweigh these risks. Surgeon Dr Shahab Mahdi, who has successfully performed thousands of cosmetic surgery operations in England will discuss all aspects of your operation in a confidential consultation and give you a realistic idea of what to expect.

To arrange your confidential one-to-one consultation call:

Tel: (+92300) 8262855

Click here : Informed Consent for Cosmetic Surgery